Politico-CHANGE that shows what we believe in

*Disclaimer-the recent book unchristian says that unbelievers think evangelicals are too political. The truth is politics matter. Leadership of the free world matters. Theology in practical action matters. For that reason, I couldn't resist:

I don't know if you've been following the DNC or not, but it is a pretty big show around here. I'll admit, I watched the first two nights to see how the Clinton regime would cover up all of the low blows they dealt to Obama over the last 18 months. You can look at other blogs or "fair and balanced" main stream media to determine all of the errors the Clintons, particularly Bill, piped to the crowd last night. I'm amazed at how quickly people loose sight of how miserable Bill Clinton's foreign policy and experience were the first two years of his term--Rwandan genocide, Serbia, and allowing the 9/11 masterminds to build their attack.

Another laughable moment was when Biden, last nights main speaker, said that he and John McCain were "good friends, and you hear those words thrown around a lot, but I mean it!" The next fifteen minutes were spent not questioning his policies, which would be understandable, but questioning the moral judgment of the man whom he called "friend". Anyone who follows Biden knows that it isn't the first time his mouth has gotten the best of him (check the speech last night for his ramblings about "flickering lights"). In fact, both Sean Hannity and the National Review are quick to point out how Biden questioned Obama's experience and said that he would love to run on the same ticket as McCain. I guess another aspect of the CHANGE of mind that the Obama campaign has peddled.

Even more than these CHANGEs, the thing that has blown my mind is the amount of under 30 evangelical Christians who have drank the Obama kool-aid. I won't go into my views on the post-Christian era and post-modern Christianity, but come on... does anyone know what biblical character is? Has anyone ever considered the moral standards of God's word? I understand that America's fiscal future looks a little dim right now. I, too, have experienced the pains at the pump and Dr.'s office; yet, how quickly we abandon the standards of God's word for the sake of relief in our wallets! A good pulse from the under 30 evangelical crowd came when Relevant Magazine's editor, Cameron Strang, accepted the request to pray at the DNC. Days before the event, he declined. Donald Miller, the author of Blue Like Jazz, accepted. Cameron's blog, http://relevantmagazine.com/releblog/category/cameronsqa/, explains his rationale... and the guy is overwhelmingly praised. I understand that my generation is upset at the hypocrisy and lack of true kingdom living in the church the past several decades. However, should we abandon all of our principles... should we abandon the word of God... should we engage in syncretism? The children of Israel from Exodus 32 on can show us how that turns out.

Finally, there are the recent comments Obama has made about Iran (another CHANGE). I'm pretty sure Biden and Obama disagree about the use of intimidation tactics. Biden claimed that Bush/McCain ignored the problems with Putin, but Obama called it out. Biden said that it needed to be stopped. All I know is, the truths of Ezekiel, the whole Gog and Magog thing, are pretty clear. Iran is a threat. Joel Rosenberg's book Epicenter and his blog clearly outline how prophecy is being fulfilled each day in the Middle East. Yet, Obama says that it is a "tiny" threat? (McCain's recent add, embedded below, is extremely poignant) The Democrats are right on this one thing, the state of affairs in America is grim. When we allow a man who has been involved in genocide, stock piling of nuclear weapons, and who has repeatedly threatened to "wipe Israel off the map" to come to our country and speak in our institutions... yet, the President of Iran has been invited to come back to Columbia University this year.

All of this CHANGE, shows that the American people do not know truth. I'm not whole heartedly endorsing McCain. I'm not saying, as other radical Republicans, that Jesus would vote for McCain. I am saying that when an evangelical goes to vote, to exercise the freedom of his/her democratic voice, the standards of God's Word should not be checked at the door. McCain has issues too! Does that mean we put our evangelical heads in the sand until Christ comes back? No, we continue to try and redeem the culture, penetrating it with the light of the gospel message. We continue to be in the world, but certainly not of it. We continue to follow Christ's example of justice and mercy woven together.

All of the politics shows America's abandonment of the true gospel. America really is at a cross-roads.


Quick question

audience participation needed (either email or respond on facebook note)

What is freedom?

Something I'm considering for a class I'm taking--Principles of the Christian Life. I've been considering the use of the law, but was asked this question in a lecture. I'm interested to know what you think.

Spurgeon-Discerning the Summons

For those awaiting pictures of 'bella, they're coming... but this is definitely not one of them!

I am reading a lot these days; yet, most items on the list are required reading, not nececissarly something for enjoyment. There are two books that have entered the long list that are capturing my attention. They've even been given a place on the the hallowed bedside table--a place where all Lucarelli owned books long to be.

The first book on the list is something I am reading with several other people, somewhat of a think tank. It is called Do Hard Things. Though I am only on chapter two of a book geared for teenagers, something is stirring. The book is a call to the next generation from two 18 year old twins. The call is to rebel against the low expectations that many have put on them... and to do hard things. One particular 16 year old I know is right there, living and breathing this message. I'll let you know how it goes.

The second book is more of a pamphlet. It is called Summons or Discerning the Summons. This whole "God, where we going?" question has really been gripping me lately. At times, I am totally a faith walker, with tons of joy. However, it is a roller-coaster when I don't combat those anxious thoughts that often paralyze my faith. Sovereign Grace Ministries offers the book on their website free of charge. The basic idea, are you called or summoned for ministry?

Summons starts off with the gospel call. The summon of God to enter into relationship with Him. The faith that He gives. The grace that He gives. The life that is changed. In expounding on the amazing passage in Ephesians 2, the author talks about another one of my heroes--Charles Spurgeon. Nineteenth-century
pastor Charles Spurgeon discovered this grace of God’s call in a
memorable manner. He writes,

One week-night, when I was sitting in the house of God, I was not
thinking much about the preacher’s sermon, for I did not believe it.
The thought struck me, How did you come to be a Christian? I sought the
Lord. But how did you come to seek the Lord? The truth flashed across my
mind in a moment—I should not have sought him unless there had
been some previous influence in my mind to make me seek him. I
prayed, thought I, but then I asked myself, How came I to pray? I was
induced to pray by reading the Scriptures. How came I to read the
Scriptures? I did read them, but what led me to do so? Then, in a
moment, I saw that God was at the bottom of it all, and that he was
the Author of my faith, and so the whole doctrine of grace opened up
to me, and from that doctrine I have not departed to this day, and I
desire to make this my constant confession, “I ascribe my change
wholly to God.”

The steps of a man

"The steps of a man are established by the LORD,
And He delights in his way.

I won't go into the details, but the Lord is using this verse to challenge me. I am just like the children of Israel, at times, forgetting the faithfulness and nearness of my God. Psalm 37 is often quoted by those who want things--"...and He will give you the desires of your heart." Yet, as with all of Scripture, this verse must be evaluated according to the context. If you look at the first couple verses, note what situation David is noticing around him. "Fret" isn't a word that we regularly use, but the issues of anxiousness, worry and panicked uncertainty are common within our social context. In that state of panic, the eyes latch on like a leech to those who are successful in the eyes of the world. Fret then is mixed with envy and there is a deadly cocktail. David reminds himself that these things, whatever he was tempted to fret about and be envious over are temporal and short lived.

The contrast of what the son and daughter of God needs to be is evident. Instead of worry,
trust. "Trust in the Lord" Instead of scheming to get what the wicked have, "do good". There is a progression of cause and effect in these verses. Trust and do good leads towards"Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness." As one puts their hand to the plow and through trust begins to cultivate faithfulness (Do not grow weary in well doing comes to mind). Delight yourselves... in what, things... status... power? As you are trusting in the Lord, doing good, cultivating faithfulness where God has planted you... DELIGHT in Him who has placed you there. It is then that the Lord will give you the desires of your heart. A heart that is trusting, cultivating, and delighting in the author of delight will then see the situations around him as opportunities for further delighting God. "Commit your ways to the Lord, Trust also in Him and He will do it." All throughout this progression is trust.

David continues talking about the wicked and what will really happen to them. Yet, the Lord brought great encouragement to my heart this weekend with the verse at the top of this post. Becky and 'bella were gone this weekend to mourn the loss of Becky's aunt. I spent the weekend with friends, one in particular who was mourning the recent loss of his mom. Both are situations where one must depend on the one who holds the power of life and death in His hands. God's sovereign purposes, His divine decrees as Jonathan Edwards would call them, are pretty apparent... even when we don't feel that they are.

Don't Waste Your Kids

Children are like arrows in the hand of a warrior. Wise parents train their children and include them in life, thus aiming them at the target of God's glory. When let fly, these children will build God's kingdom, bless their family, and do good in their community.
A lot of seemingly unrelated things have been swimming around in my circumstances recently. I'm on a mission to discover where the Lord is moving me vocationally. Simultaneously, as pastoral/shepherd thoughts--"Could I ever be an effective Pastor to this generation"--are being raised from the ashes, real life, vivid pictures of God's call to love people is making an imprint. Also worthwhile it is the Olympics, so constant images of heart heart and sacrifice are taken to the Christ-centered level in my aspirations. To top it all off is that ambition, the one that Paul speaks of, "...having this as our ambition: in all things to be pleasing to the Lord" and you've got a God-ordained, sovereign thought process. Finally, our family has experienced loss on several levels over the past few days, so the thought of not wasting our lives has really permeated our home. I'm not sure what that is going to look like, so pray with us.

As these thoughts have been repeating themselves through conversation and sovereign happenstance, I've been doing a lot of reading. I am taking my final on a course called "The Theology of Jonathan Edwards" tomorrow. He remains one of my heroes because of his passionate pursuit of the Godward life in the midst of unparalleled adversity. I've also been introduced to Covenant Life Church in Maryland, Sovereign Grace Music, and other ministries that are effectively returning to the gospel. Recently, I listened to this message (From Covenant Life Church). Yes, the message is impacting... but the way in which it was packaged and communicated spurred my thoughts, which will hopefully lead to appropriate action.

If you're a parent, might I suggest a recent sermon and the application questions listed below:

You can download the message or listen online here.

1. In his message, Gregg Harris reminded us that God normally works through his created order to accomplish his purposes. In other words, God uses the diligence and faithful labor of dads and moms as his tools to train, instruct and direct our children. In what ways have you neglected or delegated this vital responsibility? In what ways is the Lord calling you to change?

2. Psalm 127 refers to children as a blessing, a “heritage” and a “reward.” In your heart, do you agree with God’s assessment for the children that he has given you? If not, what thinking and heart attitudes is the Lord calling you to change?

3. Gregg Harris challenged parents to train our children to be included in our lives. He said that, “when children are not trained to be included on the household team, they…live like guests in their own homes with no clear sense of purpose.” Parents (specifically dads and single moms), what practical steps can you take to train your children to be included “on the household team”?

4. He also called parents to partner with our kids and include them in our lives. Parents (specifically dads and singles moms), in what practical ways could you enter into a partnership with your kids to include them in various aspects of your life (spiritual, vocational, recreational, hobbies, projects, etc.)?

Goodbye Carolina

Our 3 weeks in NC came to an end. Each moment of the day was so special, beginning with 'bella and I watching Elmo extremely early in the morning. She loved it. I took the opportunity to get some more sleep. This was one of those rare occasions where Becky was able to sleep and I was up with the little one. MaMa took the time to redo 'bella's little nails. Honestly, it was a fight to the finish. She enjoyed the first foot, took the second, but started to cry like none other when Mom started on her hands. Mom ended up only getting one hand done before admitting defeat!

After a leisurely day by the pool and hanging out with the family, we all went over to J's house for dinner. Amy and Becky made sweet spread. J entertained the kiddies with the Lion King, which mesmorized Ben and 'bella. Uncle "G", as 'bella calls him, is the stuff. After dinner the kiddos played around in the pool, which was so much fun to watch! Becky and I both wished we lived closer so that Ben and Berea could hangout with 'bella all the time.

Kimber's Birthday