Veracity Group update:

Our online counterpart,, is now live. Be sure to check out the VG history, current studies, and register so that you can view the samples! In one day, we've already had internationals sign up for the samples in addition to a couple hundred people in the States!

Also, VG has made some significant connections with other ministries via Twitter. If you're on twitter, check us out at

Facebook? Yep, VG is represented there as well. Type in Veracity Group in the FB search engine to find us... better yet, just go to the page and we'll put a link up to both feeds for ya!

Keep praying for us. The Lord is doing some pretty amazing things. Though the circumstances look horrific with the economic crisis and the stumbling of truth in the streets, the Lord is raising up a generation of Jeremiah's!

Memorizing Scripture From Your iPod


Someone posted this on Twitter (@joshuaesc)--I did not write the following post, but wanted to share! The original post can be found at The Weight of Glory

Posted by: B.C. McWhite | February 12, 2009

I Love memorizing Scripture.

But I don’t do it much. I love memorizing Scripture because it enriches my prayers with Scripture, it helps me counsel people well, it saturates and sanctifies my mind with God’s words, and in general helps me to set my mind on things above (Col. 3:2) and to think about what is pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise (Phil. 4:8).

I don’t do it nearly as much as I’d like, however, because I can’t find the time. My devotional times, when my snooze button goes untouched, already generally run to 60-90 minutes, so I have a hard time finding a way to fit memorization in—especially because I find it to be (for me personally) among the most time-consuming of the spiritual disciplines.

Fortunately for me, ESV Online Bible site absolutely rawks.

I always knew that you could listen to streaming audio of individually selected passages of Scripture from the ESV online—provided you’re willing to sit within the length of your headphone cord from your computer and listen to them. A few times I’ve tried to do this while washing the dishes, setting my laptop next to the sink. But I’ve splashed soap and water a bit too close to my (church-owned) keyboard enough times that I stopped doing that. One time I actually forgot that I was connected to my laptop rather than my iPod, took a step away from the sink while my headphones were in, and only saved my laptop from being completely submerged in soapy water mixed with spaghetti sauce by virtue of my catlike moves and reflexes.

But this morning—a revelation—I found a way to download individually selected passages from the ESV as MP3 files, so that I can load them onto my iPod, hit “repeat,” and listen to passages I want to memorize about a dozen times between my garage and my office. I’m using it to keep fresh on passages I’ve already memorized and don’t want to lose, and I’m going to use it to memorize the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:3-7:27) while I’m on the ellipsis machine at the gym.

There are a few steps to it, thought, so here's how it goes ( I promise, it's not as complicated as it sounds):

1. Open another browser tab so that you can refer back to these instructions as you do what I tell you to do.

2. Go to the ESV Online site.

3. In the top right corner, click on the “Options” tab.

4. Under “Audio Options,” click in one of the buttons for MP3 (I use David Cochran Heath because he has the most “normal” sounding voice).

5. At the bottom left of the page, click the “Save” button (that should open a page that says, “Your preferences have been saved” at the top).

6. Type the passage you want (e.g. Ephesians 4:29 or Matthew 6:25-34) into the search bar and click “search.”

7. When the passage comes up, you should see a link that says “Listen” next to the passage reference. Control-click (silly PC users right-click) on the “Listen” tab. A menu box should come up. Click on “Save Link As…”

8. When the box pops up, you will have to add an extension name on the end of the title if it doesn’t have one. So, for example, if the title of your selection is “49004029″ then you need to add .mp3 on the end, so that it reads “49004029.mp3″. Save the file to your Desktop.

9. Find the file on your desktop and open it with iTunes or Windows Media Player, or whatever you use. You can then load it onto your iPod, MP3 player, or burn it onto a CD for your car.

Yes, folks, it’s just that simple.

And here’s the most amazing part: It’s free! If it were almost any other organization there would be a subscription fee or a download fee or a 1-month access fee, etc., etc. Thank you to the good people at Crossway and the English Standard Version!

Let me know if you have any problems. Otherwise, redeem your commute! Memorize Scripture!

Penn Says: Gideon's Bible

A friend of ours sent this to us the other day. Pretty humbling and convicting scenario by Comedian Penn, from the show Penn and Teller.

Bella's 2nd Birthday Party

Our little suga is 2!

Here are some of the highlights from her Circus Party on Feb. 14th.

Becky and I are so blessed--healthy little one, great family, and great friends. Children are a gift from the Lord!

PS-We've made the transition to the digital age around here. If you click "HD" on the video and then click the HD icon that comes up... you'll see a pretty sweet video in HD. We figured we'd do our part so that those dumb commercials would stop.

Bella's 2nd Birthday Party from jeremy lucarelli on Vimeo.


Jeremiah was told that his own people, those whom he tried to winsomely warn and call to repentance, were going to fight against him (1:17-19). His own community sought his life because of the fire in Jeremiah's bones to speak the word of the Lord (11:21; 4:19).

In the midst of greed, deception, false alliances, stubborn hearts, closed ears, stiff necks, and blatant, deliberate idolatry...

Jeremiah spoke the words that God put in his mouth

Jeremiah wept for the treachery of his people.

Jeremiah sounded the alarm and raised the standard at the temple gates and in the public square.

Jeremiah was a youth, but the Lord was with Him to deliver.

The true, living, eternal King continues to sound the alarm today.

"All the Single Ladies!"

My mom came over last night to watch Bella while Jeremy and I went to our small group. Mom walked in the door while we were all dancing to "Single Ladies." Oh how glad I am that I'm not in that category any longer!


"...That they went far from Me And walked after emptiness and became empty (Jeremiah 2:5)?"

The message of Jeremiah is not popular, but the situations and descriptions are both prevalent and relevant. I've been camped out in Jeremiah 2 for the past couple of weeks, letting the Holy Spirit soak my mind with the text. I used it this morning when I addressed Silverdale Baptist Academy's High School Chapel.

I used several examples of running after emptiness and becoming empty (both in Israel's history and today). Next week I'll be hitting 2:13 when I address them again, but I wondered if you'd help me out with the following question:

What are some good examples of running after emptiness and becoming empty?

Comment below.

I think it will help me with the broken wells illustration next week.
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