Appropriate thoughts for the close of 2008

You may know this guy, but if you don't... you should. Stephen Hinkle has blessed thousands with His transparent, word-centered worship. His music challenges, but also reflects the heart of one that desires to be in the presence of the Lord. Stephen and I have been close friends for years. We had the opportunity to live in Chicago together, serve alongside each other with Precept, and have been blessed to see each other grow in grace. Stephen recently released a new cd, available on Itunes. As you bring 2008 to a close and contemplate where the Lord is taking you in your journey with Him... consider this song:

Israel War Zone

I'm up early this morning. (written pre-coffee)

I've been reading up on the crisis in Israel, assured by the Old Testament prophecies as I pray for true peace. The resilliance of this people throughout the centuries should astound the world; however, many disregard the rich history, doomed to make the same mistakes again. Just yesterday I was considering Precept's Israel Tour for mine and Becky's 5 year anniversary. I find it difficult, at times, to pray for people or places where I've never experienced the culture, people, and flair. The Lord brought my mind to the prophecies in Ezekiel concerning the day when the new covenant will be realized in the nation (read 36-39). In addtion, I've started studying Jeremiah in preparation for a class I'll be leading in a couple of weeks, all illumining what is happening right now, driving my thoughts towards this nation.

Jeol Rosenberg offers these prayer points on his blog:

The Joshua Fund is doing everything we can to stand with these and other friends and to let them know that they are not alone. We are mobilizing evangelical Christians all over the world to pray for peace on the Israel-Gaza border and to show unconditional love and unwavering support.

We are asking you and others to continue praying for wisdom and courage for Israel’s leaders as they seek to decimate the Hamas terrorist infrastructure and reacquire the deterrence factor lost during the 2006 war with Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Please pray for the half million Israelis living within rocket and missile range of Gaza. They and their children have no idea what today and tomorrow hold. Pray for the Lord to comfort and calm their hearts.

Please pray for the 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza, many of whom find themselves trapped in the crossfire of a war that Hamas started but that they as individuals and families don’t want.

Please pray for the wounded on both sides, and the families who have lost loved ones.

Please also lift up the believers in Jesus in Israel and Gaza who are seeking the Lord’s strength to help them love their neighbors and their enemies in real and practical ways in the name of Jesus.

Pray that the believers can be lights in the darkness, bringing good news and hope to those who feel hopeless and alone.

Finally, please pray that the Lord would be gracious to provide our Joshua Fund leadership team

Audience Particpation: TrueFaced

It is a rarity that one enjoys the required reading! The back sleeve read,
"The day of self-righteous, religious performing for cheap applause is coming to an end."

Eye catching, but soul searching as well.

I'm reading this book for an assignment. After reading, I'm supposed to ask 2 questions (where you come in):
What mask are you prone to wearing?

(You can either comment on here, or send me a message on facebook. I need 50 responses by January 15)

Basic premise of the book, the two roads that diverged in a wood... one is trying to please God and the other is trusting God. Both sound great. One is active, the other seems a bit passive. One well traveled and worn, while the other is rarely experienced. The one less traveled makes all the difference. One results in striving that never feels it has done enough to please God and others. The other results in a trust that experiences his full pleasure.

TrueFaced is one of those books that takes the simple things that you've known forever, thought about repeatedly, but rarely lived in the light of in the day to day. This book takes the true-gospel and communicates the message of grace without minimizing the call of the cross. The age old discussion of works based salvation and sanctification vs. grace finds a relevant voice, echoing saints through the centuries. Yet, if grace is real, if one really trusts the grace, strength, and hope that Christ offers... then why do we wear masks?

"As you have received the Lord, Jesus Christ so walk in Him."

We've been relocated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of the Son, but for some reason we feel that we have to "pull up our boot straps, be sold out, or try harder" and then God will be pleased. Just as we've received Christ by grace through faith, so we are to continue to walk in Him by grace through faith... or, from faith to faith.

...better to give...

Our family was blessed this year. We were able to conspire with several other families (The Johnsons, The Gandys, and others) to deliver Christmas to a family of four this morning. Someone brought a tree and mounds of presents were piled around it. More appropriate, however, was the affirmation that the Father is the Great Gift Giver, Jesus the Gift, and the body of Christ the extension of this gift through the Holy Spirit. Blessings to everyone as we consider the promise of a gift that came in the darkest night... the fulfilment of that promise in the most unimaginable means... and the purpose of the promise--redemption and grace. Grace to y'all this Christmas!

Christmas Greetings

Click on the page to read the letter. Merry Christmas!

"Happy Happy Christ!"

We talked to Ma Ma again today on Skype, so we thought we'd take a few shots in front of the tree. Near the door we have an olive carving of Mary and Jesus. While putting our shoes on, Bella starts waving and saying, "Hi Christ! Bye Christ!"
Of course, we were in a rush to get to wherever it was we were going, so it took a few times for us to clue in. Then, I realized that she was talking to the baby Jesus! On Monday, she and Becky made a Red Velvet Cake for Jesus. We were celebrating Christmas with Bible study at The Oak Project. Bella, who can't quite get out "Merry Christmas," kept saying "Happy Happy Christ!"

End of Semester Dance

We're celebrating the end of the semester over here... Jeremy has nailed Greek 3, with only one more language semester left thank God!

I just finished editing his eternal paper on "The Unity, Diversity, and Progress of Redemption." When I say eternal...
We're also pumped around the house because the Veracity Group has finally finished writing our study on Exodus, which will be available from Precept the first of the year. 5 studies are rolling out Jan. 1--Joshua, Judges, Abraham, Joseph and now Exodus! To check 'em out, go to Precept's estore

Through out every year of college Jeremy would celebrate the end of the semester with a little dance. Over the years, the family has started to join is as well. So, we've been dancing a lot around here, especially the little one! Those of you with photobooth... some video responses may be in order!

The Misery of Job; The Mercy of God

Thoughts from this past weekend:

"Welcome to the Evil Conference...I'm Evil Ritchie"
God is in control... good, bad, and ugly.
I'm messed up!
Big TEAM, little me
It feels like Friday, but Sunday is coming.
Smelly Feet.
White rap
do not be overcome by evil,
overcome evil with good
...pain is God's megaphone
God is a God of the nations--Ireland, Canada, and South Africa.
"We had a lot of craic and Bible study!"
"The devil wants to suck the grease right off of you!"
Evil and suffering get p-wned.

Great weekend. I pray it is the start of something huge, as students meditate on God's sovereignty in the midst of their pain, suffering... as they consider heaven... their citizenship... and Christ's call to carry the gospel through pain. I pray that the desire and hunger for God's Word will increase and never be satiated.

I came home to huge deadlines. I was supposed to take a Greek 3 final today, after hearing some guys from my old discipleship group give their senior talk (shout out Wilky!). I was reminded, once again, about the story of Job as I listened to my friend Wilky talk about spiritual adultery and being satisfied in Christ alone--pretty amazing considering where God is taking him these days. I came home and gathered all of the books I need for another paper... and saw a familiar face--"The misery of Job and the mercy of God" by John Piper. This book of several poems on the life of Job astounds me. The pictures and photos are amazing, but the implications and weaving of the story of Job are vibrant and hard hitting. An excerpt is included below, followed by the link for the full version.

To see what Job would do, and how

He might deal with his God. At last

He rose, and took a knife, and passed

It like a razor over all

His silver head, and tore his shawl

And robe, and fell face down upon

The ground and lay there till the dawn.

The servants knelt by him in fright,

And heard him whisper through the night:

"I came with nothing from the womb,

I go with nothing to the tomb.

God gave me children freely, then

He took them to himself again.

At last I taste the bitter rod,

My wise and ever blessed God."

Light candle one, and count the cost;

And ponder everything we've lost.

And let us bow before the throne

Of God, who gives and takes his own,

And promises, whatever toll

He takes, to satisfy our soul.

Come learn the lesson of the rod:

The treasure that we have in God.

He is not poor nor much enticed

Who loses everything but Christ.

Jeremy Lucarelli

Transform:The Night Before Evil

God has orchestrated these days.

Tomorrow, 300 students from across the country will begin their journey to Chattanooga for Precept's Transform Conference: The problem of EVIL.

Countless hours have been spent pouring over the material and the minute details (not by me, but by the Transform Staff). There are a lot of questions with this topic... deep, soul searching questions that shake the foundations of belief and practice. Is the Sovereign God the Author of Evil? Theologians have stumbled over this question for centuries. Augustine attempted an answer, as did Edwards and countless others in-between, but none compares with God's word.

Many of the students traveling to Precept are experiencing the pains of EVIL in their homes. Abuse, divorce, drug addiction, homosexuality, cutting... Evil is among us. Please pray for these students as they encounter the God who is El Elyon--The God Most High. As they consider Job (specifically chapters 1 and 2) and how God allows EVIL... how we are not to be overcome by EVIL(Rom 12)... and how the cross of Christ, the greatest ordained EVIL, brought about the greatest good.

Please pray for Ritchie Johnson as he prepares to communicate God's Word on a tough subject. Tough because of misconceptions in the culture... even more tough because of the hearts in the audience that are broken because of how they have been scarred by EVIL. Pray that Hosea's affirmation may be sung at the end of the weekend:

"Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us."

Also, please pray for the small group leaders that will be facilitating the discussions on Job and various other passages on suffering and tenacity. Pray that the staff and volunteers will be aware of the hurts, but not be afraid to allow students to mourn over sin in order to experience the healing of the cross. Also, pray that the Lord will orchestrate the behind the scenes details (sounds, lighting, media, food service, room conversations, travel...) Pray for Brooke Ritterbush as all of her plans and details get set into motion... Pray for divine energy for all of the adults/college students working the event.

Pray that eyes will be opened and that the Lord will equip this generation to allow God to use their battle wounds for His glory.

*I can't go into the craziness that has surrounded this weekend/topic among those whom I know... but it has been one of those messages where you not only hear and read it, but you experience it and see it in the lives of others.

Jeremy LUCArelli