When Ma Ma comes to town

We love visitors! Ma Ma got to spend some time with the little one when she came up for the weekend. By the end of the time together, 'bella was calling her "Ma ma" and raising her hand up in the air when asked, "How much does Ma Ma love you?" Ma Ma got to have some good snuggle times while Mom and Dad went out on a date! The weekend was complete with the purchase of 'bella's first jellies--which she wears around the house like she is on the catwalk. Thanks Ma Ma for the weekend of fun!

Chillin with Dad--whenever she sees flowers she sniffs her nose, acting like she is smelling them, and then goes "Ah!"

Ma Ma and 'bella went on a nice little walk around our neighborhood. Of course, conversations ensued the whole way. What a special time!
Bella, as with mom and dad, loves to be outside. She kicks her shoes off and goes running, jumping, and skipping through the grass. We stick to the front yard (where Maximus hasn't left his mark)
Bath time gone bad! Though a big fan of her rubber duck, 'bella isn't a fan of getting the shampoo out of her hair. She fights and fights, eventually causing the her to be submerged.
All is well now. the froggie towel, Ma Ma, and mom makes everything better.