I've been hitting the books hard this week. God's Providence, even in the way the content of my four classes has lined up, is overwhelming. Last weekend I had the privilege of being in Topeka, Kansas teaching others how to discover truth for themselves. The 2 day event was humbling and encouraging. In many of the pastors, elders, and lay people in attendance the light bulb went off... they caught the vision of inductive study... they were pumped. It was confirmed, again, by the Lord that I am called to equip others to know truth for themselves.

Fast forward a couple of crazy October days...
The credit crisis is close to home.
A friend of ours had a baby today.
Several other friends discovered that they were pregnant.
Sarah Palin rocked the debate.
Yet, one issue continues to loom: equal rights for the unborn.
While procrastinating from my Greek homework (which I am still doing in writing this) I went to one of the blogs I frequent--The Rebelution. Those that know me well are aware of my love for CO. More than the scenery, the idea of living the gospel and speaking sound doctrine in a pretty liberal place is appealing to me! One girl, motivated by her conviction that rights begin at conception is taking CO by storm. The following video is what I found on the Rebulution site: (For Facebook folks click here)

Colorado for Equal Rights Personhood Amendment from Personhood USA on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

very cool. i like how the term is being used "pre-born" instead of unborn.