
I spent tonight trying to avoid the inevitable, knowing in my gut what was coming down the pike. As in the days before Josiah, the word of God has been lost in the house of God. As a result, the people perish for lack of knowledge. The signs of the times have been everywhere, but now they have climbed uphill to the "city gates."

I tried to avert my attention from the TV by running, only to have the treadmill turned toward election coverage.

I came home and tried reading one of the many required readings, only to have my attention turned towards "moral ethics" in my Biblical Ethics material. Issues like health care, abortion, states rights, church and state didn't avert my attention.

I tried going to bed... several times, but 'bella is keeping us up tonight with a wheezing cough. So, while I am listening to Becky sing to quiet 'bella's nerves in the other room, I sit and contemplate, pray, and question both how we got here and where we are going. (The song playing right now is "I have a shelter in the storm" by Sovereign Grace Music)

Some thoughts for the disenchanted and the gloating:

God removes kings; God sets up kings (Psalm 75:7, Daniel 2:21, Romans 13:1)
Yet, God (while still sovereign) gave Israel what they wanted (though he knew they were going to ask for a king beforehand). You most likely know the story--corruption in the courts, perversion in temple, fickle people, gross idolatry and immorality throughout every strata of Israel. "Ichabod--the glory of the Lord has departed." Saul looked good and started well... but was ruled by the people and his pride.

A further look into Israel's history--the civil war, the exiles and captivity--show that God is the one who removes kings, but God also give the people what they want in hopes that they will return. The prophets foretold of this fate, but the people ignored. The prophets proclaimed truth, but the people gathered around them false prophets that spoke well-being and prosperity despite sin.

The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He will (Prov 21:1) All of the Northern Kings did evil in the sight of the Lord. Yet, there were a few kings in Judah... those that remembered the ways of the Lord, those that grieved over the broken covenant, who stopped the sacrificing of children... these were the ones whom the Lord blessed with both peace and prosperity. The Lord upheld His covenant with David in spite of the nation's idolatry and syncretism.

God does all that He pleases (Psalm 115:3, 135:6, Daniel 4:35)

We've entered a historic chapter in our nation's history. Yes, the people have overwhelmingly spoken. Unfortunately, "blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord" and "righteousness exalts a nation" reverberate to the core tonight. We will see the antithesis of these two statements. We will come to depend upon the sovereignty of God even more in these next 2 years while the Democrats and the Liberal left have it all--the triumvirate of power in the Oval Office, Senate and House; a majority of governors’ mansions, a majority of state legislatures, the entertainment media, the elite news media, the unions, the educational establishment, most of the philanthropic community, and increasing power over the courts.

The two years of election coverage have ended.

The rhetoric has become reality. We will soon find out what change really means.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting our very thoughts. David and I have just been reading through the Old Testament and have just finished in the Kings. Our discussions have been similar to your words, but not quite so eloquent. As I was reading through Philippians today, the Lord was impressing me to pray as Paul did from prison in Philippi...that this would turn out for the furtherance of the gospel. The days ahead are frightening but I am thankful that we live for a kingdom that will not perish and that, as believers, we will see the mercy of the Lord even in judgement. May we press on and be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.

~Elizabeth & David Stubblefield

Luca said...

Great thoughts...
today in my Progress of Redemption course I traced the Dispersion to the stepping stones of the mystery of the gospel to the Gentiles. James, Philippians, I Peter...
I think we may come to realize the role of suffering--"The blood of the martyrs is the seedbed of the church."

Maurie said...

Just gave Millie that same quote last night about the blood of the martyrs...the time to count the cost is here.

Luca said...

Post Script--
1. Biden's quote about President elect Obama's coming crisis in the first six months (posted below)... try six hours--Russia is planning to fire at a US base in Poland.

2. Economy... wrecked even worse today as investors across the world anticipate what is coming.

3. Israel is preparing for "the most unfriendly American administration ever….Israel’s will to live will be tested in ways that will not e pretty. Many of Obama’s foreign policy team and Middle East advisors see Israel as the obstacle to peace. And we can not count on Jewish supporters of Obama to have any standing in setting policy in this administration.” (http://flashtrafficblog.wordpress.com/)

Stephen Hinkle said...

good post. and elizabeth's comments made me think of what my pastor said yesterday as he and i were talking about this whole thing... "persecution has always caused the church to grow"

i think we're going to see an decrease in the moral state of our country (as if it isn't low already), and an increase in the ridicule and scorning (i.e. persecution) of the true followers of Jesus. sadly, there may not be as many as we think there are.

Anonymous said...

Your thoughts are exactly what I shared with my mom over 2 weeks ago! I was literally sick this morning thinking about the next 4 years! I've been asking God to show me what I (1 small insignificant person) can do to make a difference in the weeks/months/years to come! Please continue writing and sharing!